Girdwood Sled Dog Adventure

About Us
We provide Girdwood visitors with real Alaskan activity. DOG MUSHING! Your journey begins with an 8-mile ride in our open-air 6x6 Pinzgauers that takes you from sea level to an elevation of 1200 feet on the historical Iditarod trail. At this elevation, the mountains open up to one of the most scenic landscapes in all of Alaska.
Once there, You’ll meet our award-winning dogs and visit the puppy Pavillion. It’s a day you will always remember!
Why Us?
Serving locals and visitors for over 2 decades, we pride ourselves on bringing an exceptional Alaskan experience to Anchorage and the Girdwood Valley. We are lucky to have some of the most seasoned dog mushers, and handlers, in Alaska….Ryan Redington.
Safety First
Our motto is “The safety of our guests is our number one priority, and the absolute enjoyment is our personal challenge”. Our guides are trained in CPR and advanced first aid and they are equipped with a first aid kit. This tour is not a hard-core challenging ride, it is basically graveled out trails that people of just about all ages can enjoy. Each person has a lap belt and there are overhead handgrips attached to the roll bars
Please review our FAQ section for more info
Summer Sled Dog Adventure
Meet the Mushers
Our Dog Mushers are the best of the best! Robert and Ryan Redington have both competed in the Iditarod Dog Sled Race. You’ll get to meet them and hear their adventure stories while on the trail.
Born into the mushing family, Ryan Redington proudly carries on the family legacy of running dogs, racing, and raising awareness for the sport of dog sledding. Ryan won the 2023 Iditarod Race! He is also the 2019 and 2021 champion of the Kobuk 440 in Kotzebue, Alaska.
Robert Redington is a third generation dog musher and the grandson of Joe Redington Sr. the founder of the Iditarod. Born and raised in Alaska, Robert grew up around sled dogs. He’s been competing in the Iditarod Race since 2016.
Cart Ride
We offer an authentic hands-on experience. You’ll get to harness up your own Dog! Observe dog handling techniques and interact with the dogs that ran 1049 miles from Anchorage to Nome―truly incredible athletes.
Feel the raw power of these sled dogs as you ride through trails high up in the mountains. The sled dogs respond to the mushers commands as a whole, moving and navigating as if they were of one mind. It’s a sight to see, and an experience you will never forget!
Puppy Pavillion
This is your chance to cuddle and play with future Alaska Iditarod champions or check out authentic race memorabilia and all the gear and warm clothing that a musher needs to survive while racing over a thousand miles in unforgiving conditions.
“Best Day Ever!!! Had a blast and learned a lot while I was at it. I'm a new fan!!! This is a Do Not Miss! Anxiously anticipating March!”
“Amazing authentic mushing experience. Such beautiful country, amazing dogs and knowledgeable friendly tour guides. I would recommend it to out of state tourists and locals as well”
You can book a tour at the Great Alaskan Tourist Trap which is located in the Tesoro Mall at the corner of the Seward and Alyeska Highway. You’ll begin your trip at the Hotel Alyeska.